Tuesday, February 17, 2015


In the city of Bronzeville, IL there are a ton of buildings that are being torn down since it is old. But what people don’t know is the history of the building itself and what the building was used for a long time ago. Brownsville has a bad reputation and has liquor stores in almost every corner. The city of Brownsville is just more than that. There are buildings in Bronzeville that made American history not just “African American history”. Bronzeville has its own culture and people to go with it.

I went on a field trip to Bronzeville, IL with the Multicultural services at Lewis University. We visited different locations in the neighborhood, but one location stuck out to me the most, the Quinn Chapel Ame Church. The chapel has been around since the proclamation. It might just look like any other normal church, but what makes the Quinn Chapel special is the history of it. It was used as a place to host meetings since at the time African Americans weren’t allowed to do as much. The pastor gave us a tour guide around the church and explained the importance of the church and the rich history it has. After every historical subject that he told us he said,” It’s American history. From an African American perspective.” 

photo essay audience context

To show not all the buildings in cities are just old business. Just because a building is in a bad neighborhood doesn't there isn't rich history in it. People with great pride are always saying where they are from and put their city on a high pedestal, but don’t know the history behind their city and great landmarks in it as well. To open up people’s minds to go out and learn not only about their own city but other cities as well. Also not to judge a city from the news and to actually go out there and do their own research. Point out positive outcomes.

The audience I am aiming is more towards history major students. I want them to get knowledge that they can’t get from reading a book. The students, in order for them to understand history, the best way is by actually visiting places and get someone to talk to them that actually knows and understands the place or whatever the subject maybe.

I will go on a field trip to visit the church. It will take place at 24th place and Wabash where the church is located. The audience will get enlighten on the history of the chapel. 

Design plan for photo essay

I want the audience to feel enlighten on American history, right in our backyard in Bronzeville, IL. I want the audience to be more open minded to old buildings that they see on a daily basis, because they might pass by a building that has so much history in it and didn’t even know. I will be using photographs to show the chapel. I will include the view of the church, the insides of the chapel, and the pastor as well. The way I will do that is by photographing the Quinn Chapel. The chapel is located in Bronzeville, IL. I will be going on a field trip to the chapel and I will take pictures using my camera on my cellphone. The way I want to portray my self is someone who captures the right pictures to make the audience feel as if they were at the chapel. I want the audience to feel enlighten. Also to get inspired to go out and do research on old buildings around their own neighborhoods. Not every old building that you see in bad neighborhoods should be torn down. There are buildings where famous people have talked in and not a lot of people know. It can be little things like that, that can inspire the community to do better and want better. They can also gain a sense of pride for living in a community with so much history. The way I will be setting up my essay is by showing what I saw during the visit at the chapel. My pictures will be in black and white to give it more of the old look feeling to it.

Photo essay: American History. Through an African American View

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Writing and Design

The discussion of the connections between writing and design helped me to better understand about written communication. When doing a presentation, it doesn't always have to be about words. Pictures can even better explain a topic since it can be used as visual aid. Also having a balance of visual and also writing. If I want the audience to focus more on the visual then I would have the picture bigger and more noticeable than the writing. Another thing is "attention grabber". If I would to have sentences on a presentation I can lose the audience since I am reading it word for word. The audience would read ahead of me and not be interested anymore since they will know what I will be saying. Instead, put phrases. Audience won't know as much and they will need to listen to the speaker in order for them to make connections or understand what the speaker is presenting. Also when it comes to writing you can't be as creative when doing a presentation, where you can design it, in a way that the audience can get a better feel/ understanding of the topic. Whether it is adding pictures, or changing up the style font as well.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What i think about blogs

What i think about blogs

Honestly I think in a way we all blog. Using social media like Facebook or twitter can be used as a blog.  People put up statuses on what they are doing, where they are at, what they think of issues or topics, the types of things they like and dislike, and even relationship topics. Unlike a blog, people can also put up pictures as well. Just like a blog it can be seen by anyone. Some people use it as a journal type of thing, while others use it for business. Whether it is a personal or business matter there are thoughts and opinions still being put out there as if it was a blog. 

I think having a blog for a college writing class would be a good use. Some students might be afraid to ask in person but when it comes to saying what one thinks some people feel more comfortable saying it behind a screen.  I think it would be used the same way as the guy who works for the IBM. He uses it so he can get 2 cents from other people in a quicker response. Getting feedback from different views is helping him grow as a writing.